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Composting Toilets, Outhouse -

Outhouse care & maintenance While no one wants to think about it, there are a few things you should take into consideration to maintain a healthy outhouse. The primary concern is usually odour and to effectively deal with this issue it's important to understand that odour in an outhouse is caused primarily by build-up of ammonia in an anoxic (low oxygen) environment. Similar to a compost pile an outhouse requires “ingredients” in order to operate well. Ventilation is key to provide some oxygen and to assist the movement of gases such as methane up the vent stack.  Carbon is a...

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Septic Care Tips -

Skating is a fantastic winter activity but keep the rink away from your leaching bed. Leaching beds are carefully built to accept water -- even if it is an excess amount coming from a hose sprayed in the middle of winter. We know those who have managed to freeze their entire leach field solid, and ended up with wastewater backing up into the house. Not only rinks, do not build decks, patios or place above ground pools in or over your leaching bed.

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Would you like to learn more about septic systems? Check up the upcoming Ask An Expert Series. This joint Canada/USA event is hosted by The Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed group. Our own Rob Davis is a speaker tomorrow, August 5th at 12 CDT. Sign up for the free WebEx at the link below. Date: August 5th at 12 CDT (Central) Event: The Ask An Expert Series, a joint Canada/USA event Host: The Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed group. Topic: What Can I Do? – Part I: Sewage Systems: Pitfalls, Solutions and Folklore Register for free:

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Do you rent out your cottage or cabin paradise?  Have family or guests who are unaware of what should and should not go into a septic system?  Or simple want to remind those who may or may not be aware of septic system care. These small, simple signs will help to remind guests and family what can and cannot go down the kitchen drain, bathroom fixtures and into the laundry.  Print out on plain paper or card stock (recommended but not necessary).  Trim on the black line and either put it up as is or place in a 5 x 7...

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Septic Care Tips -

Five common myths about septic systems.  Why inoculate and what not to put down the drain.  Is septic system replacement the only option for older systems?  Check out the myths debunked.

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