Beyond The Flush RSS
Septic Care Tip: Book Your Septic System Pump Out.
We often get asked questions about care and maintenance of septic systems. The #1 question we get asked? How often should a septic system be pumped out? A good rule to follow is every three to five years or, if you can't remember when it was last pumped out, do it now! Older and single compartment septic tanks should be serviced more often as they are smaller. Both sides of the tank (if two chambers) should be pumped out every service interval. We also recommend using EcoEthic Septic System & Drain Treatment. Containing waste digesting microbes, it will only help...
Septic Care Tip: Forgo the fabric softener.
Fabric softeners should not be used in a septic system. Fabric softeners coat the surface of a fabric with chemical compounds that are electrically charged. Added to the rinse cycle these products add many unfriendly chemicals to the septic tank including beef fat, corn oil etc. Add beneficial bacteria with EcoEthic Septic Treatment. It contains waste digesting microbes including those that breakdown fats, oils and grease, and improve your septic system function. For more information on how septic systems work, please go to the EcoEthic Septic Treatment page and scroll down to watch an excellent video and down load additional...
Septic Care Tip: Avoid anti-bacterial soap and cleaners.
The University of Arizona states, "That while a single use has little to no effect, normal hand and dish washing with antibacterial agents can stunt the work of the septic bacteria. Excessive use of antibacterial products in the home can "cause significant and even total destruction of the bacteria population.” Add beneficial bacteria with EcoEthic Septic Treatment. It contains waste digesting microbes that improve your septic system function. For more information on how septic systems work, please go to the EcoEthic Septic Treatment page and scroll down to watch an excellent video and down load additional information. SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave
Spring Wake Up!
Spring has sprung. Okay not quite where we are, but we were tempted with some lovely spring weather and at EcoEthic Inc that means septic care!! Here are a few handy tips to Spring your septic back into action. Spring Septic Checklist Check for leaks in toilets and faucets!! A common culprit is toilet flapper valves. Book your Septic Pump out! Has it been 3 - 5 years since the honeywagons' last visit? If so, or you have no idea it is time call your Septic Pumper. Boost your septic with EcoEthic Septic Treatment. It contains billions of specific...
Protect Your Septic Tile Bed
The ultimate leach field (tile bed) protection is a Septic Effluent Filter! Replacing the leach field or tile bed is extremely costly and not always a suitable option. Best "septic owner" practices include being conservative with water use, avoiding harsh chemicals and proper maintenance and scheduled servicing. Those practices, along with a quality effluent filter will go a long way in preserving and extending the life of your septic system.This effluent filter keeps your leach fields safe with twice the filtration area of most residential filters. The entire filter is in the effluent, making the filter 100% effective. The best...